P.5 Cambridge A2 Flyers Exam Preparation Course


This course aims at equipping students with skills in using English effectively as a spoken and written communicative tool, as well as preparing them for the Cambridge YLE Tests. In the course, we will familiarize students with the examination format and strategies in obtaining desired results in the examination and prepare students for the YLE tests with intensive practices and mock examination. 課程針對學生實際使用語言的聽講讀寫四種能力,考試包括閱讀與寫作 (Reading & Writing)、聆聽 (Listening) 及會話(Speaking) 三部份,提升學生在英語的溝通能力。學生於劍橋英語考試中獲得良好成績,該成績可作為學生在未來升讀英文中學參考文件,在課程完結時會提供模擬考試,讓學生熟練考試模式。